# 接线图

# 树莓派管脚图

# 代码

# C

#include <stdio.h>
#include <wiringPi.h>
#include <pcf8591.h>
#define PCF       120
int main (void)
	int res, tmp, status;
	wiringPiSetup ();
	// Setup pcf8591 on base pin 120, and address 0x48
	pcf8591Setup (PCF, 0x48);
	status = 0;
	while(1) // loop forever
		res = analogRead(PCF + 0);
		printf("Current intensity of magnetic field : %d\n", res);
		if (res - 133 < 5 || res - 133 > -5) 
			tmp = 0;
		if (res < 128) tmp = -1;
		if (res > 138) tmp =  1;
		if (tmp != status)
				case 0:
					printf("\n*****************\n"  );
					printf(  "* Magnet: None. *\n"  );
					printf(  "*****************\n\n");
				case -1:
					printf("\n******************\n"  );
					printf(  "* Magnet: North. *\n"  );
					printf(  "******************\n\n");
				case 1:
					printf("\n******************\n"  );
					printf(  "* Magnet: South. *\n"  );
					printf(  "******************\n\n");
			status = tmp;
		delay (200);
	return 0 ;

编译命令: gcc analog_hall_switch.c -o analog_hall_switch -lwiringPi

# Python

#/usr/bin/env python
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO
import PCF8591 as ADC
import time
def setup():
def Print(x):
	if x == 0:
		print ''
		print '*************'
		print '* No Magnet *'
		print '*************'
		print ''
	if x == 1:
		print ''
		print '****************'
		print '* Magnet North *'
		print '****************'
		print ''
	if x == -1:
		print ''
		print '****************'
		print '* Magnet South *'
		print '****************'
		print ''
def loop():
	status = 0
	while True:
		res = ADC.read(0)
		print 'Current intensity of magnetic field : ', res
		if res - 133 < 5 and res - 133 > -5:
			tmp = 0
		if res < 128:
			tmp = -1
		if res > 138:
			tmp = 1
		if tmp != status:
			status = tmp
if __name__ == '__main__':
#!/usr/bin/env python
#		This is a program for PCF8591 Module.
#		Warnng! The Analog input MUST NOT be over 3.3V!
#		In this script, we use a poteniometer for analog
#   input, and a LED on AO for analog output.
#		you can import this script to another by:
#	import PCF8591 as ADC
#	ADC.Setup(Address)  # Check it by sudo i2cdetect -y -1
#	ADC.read(channal)	# Channal range from 0 to 3
#	ADC.write(Value)	# Value range from 0 to 255		
import smbus
import time
# for RPI version 1, use "bus = smbus.SMBus(0)"
bus = smbus.SMBus(1)
#check your PCF8591 address by type in 'sudo i2cdetect -y -1' in terminal.
def setup(Addr):
	global address
	address = Addr
def read(chn): #channel
	if chn == 0:
	if chn == 1:
	if chn == 2:
	if chn == 3:
	bus.read_byte(address) # dummy read to start conversion
	return bus.read_byte(address)
def write(val):
	temp = val # move string value to temp
	temp = int(temp) # change string to integer
	# print temp to see on terminal else comment out
	bus.write_byte_data(address, 0x40, temp)
if __name__ == "__main__":
	while True:
		print 'AIN0 = ', read(0)
		print 'AIN1 = ', read(1)
		tmp = read(0)
		tmp = tmp*(255-125)/255+125 # LED won't light up below 125, so convert '0-255' to '125-255'
#		time.sleep(0.3)
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